Gender pay gap
At T&Pm, it has always been our guiding ambition to be the most important place in our people's careers.
We are committed to providing opportunities that go beyond being just a job, but instead actively promote the learning & development of our talent.
Representation & inclusion have crucial roles to play in delivering on that ambition, and we've committed globally to growing our agency with teams that represent the communities we operate in. Creating a culture where everyone belongs and is safe, and to treat everyone fairly, ensuring anyone can succeed here - and ensuring our leaders are fully committed to delivering this culture, as they all have objectives based on these cultural outputs linked to their bonus payments.
Our ultimate goal is to empower our teams to reach their full potential by providing a safe, fair, and supportive work environment. And we believe that this work powers growth for our clients, as well as fuelling our own ability to excel. As women make up 52% of our workforce in the UK, we know that being the most important place tor them means providing rewarding & fulfilling experiences as well as a brilliant, inclusive culture which enables all our talent to do their very best work.
In this, our first publication of our gender pay gap, we are renewing our commitment to providing the opportunities for our female talent to succeed and progress their careers here. Whilst our overall gender balance is positive, we recognise the need to do more to increase female representation at the top of our agency. As The&Partnership and mSix&Partners come together to form T&Pm, our executive leadership team is currently 36% female and our wider leadership community is 43% female. To address this deficit, we are committing to ensuring balanced succession slates and supporting the development of underrepresented talent through the organisation into leadership. We will work to ensure new leadership opportunities are appointed with a robust and equitable process. As part of this, we are also identifying roles that can be delivered via a job sharing arrangement, providing flexible working opportunities for senior positions that may not otherwise be available to some fantastic talent. And we are working to deliver a more equal take up across men and women of our shared parental leave offering.
Delivering on our ambition to be the most important place in our people's careers is only possible through a culture where the best talent can thrive, and making each opportunity accessible with the right support. Our craft demands that we have a working environment that leverages the power of diverse perspectives and experiences, driving innovation and creativity. And we continue to work to achieve this.
Equal Pay vs. Gender Pay GapEqual Pay
The gender pay gap is different from equal pay. Equal pay is about men and women receiving equal pay for the same or similar job and is a legal requirement in the UK.
How we ensure Equal Pay?
We systematically monitor equal pay across our businesses. We ensure equal pay across our organisation, with bands that are specific to the role performed and the experience of employees and prospective candidates. If any inequity is identified, this is rectified at the next earliest opportunity.
Gender Pay Gap
The gender pay gap calculation measures the average earnings of all male and female employees, regardless of role, seniority and working hours. This report is about the gender pay gap, which is the difference in hourly pay between men and women in a workforce. This is not the same as equal pay. A gender pay gap is the result of gender imbalance. It can be caused by a multitude of things including having fewer women in senior or more highearning roles, or more women working part time.
What Gender Pay Gap information are we required to publish?Pay Gap
Percentage difference (mean and median) in hourly rate of pay at 5 April 2023 between male and female employees.
Total percentage of employees in order from lowest hourly rate of pay to highest hourly rate of pay, split into four equal groups.
Bonus Gap
Percentage difference (mean and median) in total bonus payments received by male and female employees in the 12 months preceding the snapshot date (April 2023)
Percent Received
Bonus Percent of all males and females who received a bonus in the 12 months preceding the snapshot date (April 2023)
The difference between: The Median and The MeanThe Median
The median is the middle. To explain this, imagine that all employees were lined up in a female line and a male line from lowest to highest in terms of rate of pay. The female and male in the middle of each line are compared, this is what gives us the median gender pay gap.

The Mean
The mean is the average. The mean pay gap is the difference in the average hourly rate of pay between all men and all women.

Our Results
Proportion of Males & Females receiving Bonus

Proportion of Males & Females in each quartile band

Our Commitment to closing the Pay Gap
Back in the Game - A support programme and U.K. network, created by GroupM, aimed to support all those returning to work after an extended period away, whatever the circumstances. Returning to work after an extended leave of absence, whether that be parental or adoption leave, caring responsibilities, illness, or anything else, can be an overwhelming experience. To help our employees reintegrate we offer support, both practical and emotional, to make the transition back as painless as possible. This includes a set of manager and returner guidelines, and quarterly sessions for those who have recently returned to the business, to share experiences and tips for a successful transition back into the workplace.
Walk The Talk - Supports women at the point where we start to see a reduction in female representation in the industry. The sessions are designed to enable women to share their experiences from self-limiting beliefs to work and family blend. This enables them to create a network and seek advice, support and guidance to thrive.
WACL - Festival of Talent - To create better gender balance, we wanted to understand the experience of women in leadership within the industry and identify what we should be solving for to ensure we promote an inclusive experience. We took part in a number of programmes, with attendees helping the business create more inclusive plans and programmes.
TimeTO - As part of our endorsement of the timeTo campaign, we committing to delivering training to best ensure the prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace. The training was delivered to 25 senior leaders with the intention to not only understand what constitutes sexual harassment, but also how to call it out, and how to support someone who is being harassed. In trying to ensure every person feels safe and a strong sense of belonging which enables them to stay and thrive in our business, we felt it was important for leaders to understand and deliver this through our culture.
WPP University — There are a series of courses designed to build an inclusive culture, and many of these sessions we choose to make mandatory as part of our commitment to inclusion.
&Communities - We have seven Employee Community Groups which are voluntary, employee-led groups, formed to influence on making systemic change within our business for underprivileged groups. They are safe spaces for employees from those communities. These groups are: Forward(Disability and Neurodiversity), &Roots (Minority Ethnic Groups), Unite(LGBTQIA+), Bloom (Gender Representation), Mental Health Allies, &FamilyClub, High Vis Creatives.
Bloom - Our Bloom Community ran a series of events around International Women's Day, aimed at encouraging women supporting women within the network, and male allyship for their female counterparts. In 2023, Bloom ran a training session with an external speaker on 'Creating Gender parity and allyship in pitches', an event focussing on getting more women into the ad industry.
Family Friendly Policies — Maternity Leave policy: up to 26 weeks' full pay with the aim to attract and retain more females at all levels due our enhanced maternity leave policy. Our Partner (Paternity) Leave policy: up to 4-week paid leave in a bid to encourage more partners to take time off and share the responsibility with the birth partner. Shared Parental Policies: we enhanced our shared parental pay so that it mirrors our maternity policy.
Menopause Support - We actively support those experiencing perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms, allowing for adjustments and providing education to all, whether those with direct experiences, or colleagues working alongside them. These details are outlined in our Menopause policy. We also participate in the wider WPP Menopause Champions Network, with trained champions in our agency providing additional advice and guidance.
Youg - We launched our first internal mentoring programme: "You&l".
The programme was implemented as an observation from our gender ERG and WACL Festival of Talent attendees that women (as well as everyone) needed sate space and sponsorship to unlock their potential.
Equal Pay Audits - Pay equity audits to ensure all employees have equal pay for the same or similar job. Salary bandings to promote more pay transparency is underway for 2024.